Color breath

You may notice, during the observing of the flow of breath through certain areas of the body that way releasing tension, with eyes closed, that it has a certain color.
I often see spring green, which has a life giving, healing and harmonizing quality.

It nourishes the tissues, the cells. Think of the workings of breath as it enters the lungs, comes in the bloodstream, exchanging particles of prana, light, with the blood cells, that supply the cells of the entire body with life on each in breath. The cells like this, they giggle and sparkle, as our teacher described it, enjoying  the dance of the electrons and photons dancing the dance of Shiva, in the ecstasy of being nourished with light.

Don’t exaggerate this, just watch the natural flow of breath as it comes and goes, quietly in a relaxation and more energetic and active during a stretching pose.